Who We Are
The Arlington County Democratic Committee (“Arlington Democrats”) is the local Democratic Party organization for the Democratic Party of Virginia and broader National Democratic Party. The Committee consists of Precinct Captains, elected and appointed committee leadership, 8th District Democratic Committee members and local Democratic elected officials.

Our Mission
The Arlington Democrats work to elect Democrats up and down the ballot in Arlington and strategically support key swing districts and special elections outside of Arlington. We register voters and represent the interests of Democrats across our county. We are committed to advocating for policies, initiatives and general election nominees that dismantle systemic inequities and improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in our Party and our County. We embrace the principles of the DNC Party Platform. All Democrats in Arlington, Virginia are welcome!

Monthly Meetings
Arlington Democrats meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm. Our monthly meetings are open to all Democrats, so please come join us. There is usually a program on a topic of interest to local Democrats, and brief remarks by some of our local elected officials or Democratic candidates. You can get more information about the monthly meetings by subscribing to our email list on the homepage. Meeting locations and details are also posted in our online calendar.

Arlington Young Democrats
An important partner of the Arlington Democratic Committee is the Arlington Young Democrats (known as AYDs). This organization is affiliated with the Virginia Young Democrats and the Young Democrats of America. Membership is open to those ages 18 to 35 (associate memberships available for those who are “young at heart” ). The AYDs elect a representative who serves on the Arlington Democrats Steering Committee. Many AYDs are both Arlington Democrats members and AYD activists. AYDs provides a great way for young adults to become involved in Arlington Democratic politics and civic activities. Click below to learn more about the AYDs.