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Resolution by the Arlington County Democratic Committee Supporting the Purchase of Body Cameras and Related Equipment for Arlington Law-enforcement Personnel

WHEREAS public trust in law-enforcement practices has been eroded in recent years by video footage of egregious police misconduct in various cities around the country;

WHEREAS the wearing of body cameras by law-enforcement personnel is a means of creating a record of police conduct for later review, as needed; and

WHEREAS the wearing of body cameras by effective and humane law-enforcement personnel is a means of improving the public’s understanding of how, when, and why these police use force, thereby potentially increasing the public’s trust in its law-enforcement personnel; and

WHEREAS the Arlington County Police Department has for several years unsuccessfully sought funding for improved and more comprehensive body-camera equipment;

WHEREAS the Arlington County Manager is now seeking approval from the County Board to spend $1.05 million on body cameras and related equipment for the Arlington County Police Department, Arlington County Sheriff’s Office, and Arlington County Fire Marshals; and

WHEREAS the Arlington County Board is scheduled to vote on the County Manager’s request in July 2020; and

WHEREAS the Arlington County Democratic Committee believes strongly in transparency and accountability in policing; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Arlington County Democratic Committee supports approval by the Arlington County Board of the County Manager’s request to fund adoption of a comprehensive body-camera system to support the County’s law enforcement personnel.

Passed and Approved on this 1st day of July, 2020.

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