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Resolution Supporting Passage of the Tax Amendment Exempting Disabled Veterans from the Motor Vehicle Property Tax

Whereas disabled veterans have paid a heavy price for their service to the United States;

Whereas the public at large has benefited greatly from the service of these veterans;

Whereas these veterans are often not adequately compensated for their service;

Whereas the Virginia Personal Property Tax on vehicles can pose a hardship for disabled veterans;

Whereas exempting disabled veterans from paying the tax on one vehicle would not substantially affect the state’s revenues;

Whereas appearing on the November 3, 2020, ballot will be a proposed amendment to the state’s tax laws exempting veterans with a 100% service-connected, permanent, and total disability from state and local property taxes on one automobile or pickup truck; therefore be it

Resolved, that the Arlington County Democratic Committee hereby supports passage of the amendment to Virginia’s tax laws that would exempt disabled veterans meeting the eligibility requirements from the obligation to pay Virginia’s Motor Vehicle Tax on one automobile or pickup truck.

Passed and Approved on the second day of September, 2020.

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