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Resolution Supporting the Five Arlington County Bond Referenda on the Nov. 3 Ballot

Whereas Arlington County has critical infrastructure needs, including both maintenance necessary to preserve existing infrastructure and capital improvements required to foster the County’s growth;

Whereas to meet these needs, the Arlington County Board has approved five ballot referenda to be voted on in the November 3, 2020, election, each intended to address a separate category of infrastructure;

Whereas now is an excellent time to borrow in order to fund important needs, as interest rates are low and unemployment is high;

Whereas the proposed bonds are consistent with the County’s debt and financial policies, aimed at preserving the County’s triple-AAA bond ratings;

Whereas the first bond referendum seeks the voters’ approval for issuance of up to $29.94 million in transportation bonds to fund Metro capital improvements, resurfacing of Arlington streets, and bridge maintenance, renovation, and replacement;

Whereas the second bond referendum seeks the voters’ approval for issuance of up to $3.630 million in parks and recreation bonds to fund maintenance and improvement of local parks and county recreational programs;

Whereas the third bond referendum seeks the voters’ approval for issuance of up to $7.485 million in community infrastructure bonds to fund maintenance of county facilities, fire station renovations, and capital improvements at the County Courthouse complex;

Whereas the fourth bond referendum seeks the voters’ approval for issuance of up to $52.650 million in educational bonds to fund design work to meet projected 10-year seat needs, as well as to fund maintenance and capital projects at Arlington schools, including remodeling and improvements at Arlington Traditional School, Key Elementary School, McKinley Elementary School, Williamsburg Middle School, and Wakefield High School;

Whereas the fifth bond referendum seeks the voters’ approval for issuance of up to $50.840 million to fund bonds for stormwater capacity improvements, water quality improvements, and other projects. The need for improvements in the county’s infrastructure for handling stormwater was demonstrated by the extensive damage caused by a storm in July 2019. The County has developed a 10-year plan for addressing that problem. The first year of the plan would be funded in part by these proposed bonds; therefore be it

Resolved, that the Arlington County Democratic Committee hereby supports passage of these five bond referenda.

Passed and Approved on the second day of September, 2020.

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