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Take Action to Help Refugees

Right now, the administration is considering setting the refugee admissions goal for Fiscal Year 2021. Although refugees are the most vetted persons allowed to enter the U.S., some administration officials have proposed resettling zero refugees next year. Following FY2020's historically low goal of just 18,000, this would further decimate the bipartisan refugee resettlement program, violating our nation's commitment to welcome the most vulnerable refugees – as well as the call of all faith traditions to welcome the stranger and love our neighbors. A robust refugee program serves America’s national security interests and sets the example for us to ask other countries to assist refugees.

By law, the administration must consult with Congress by the end of September, prior to setting the refugee admissions goal, which means Members of Congress can and must make their voices heard. It is critical that members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, who are in charge of consulting with the administration, hear us strongly condemn a low admissions goal and join with former Vice President Joe Biden in calling for a robust refugee admissions goal of 125,000 in FY2021.

How you can help refugees now

  1. Tell Congress to Hold the Administration Accountable to Setting and Meeting a Robust Refugee Admissions Goal

  2. Volunteer to Welcome and Assist Refugees in Your Community

  3. Continue to Learn About the Global Refugee Crisis and Refugee Resettlement in the United States

Call House and Senate Judiciary Committee Members Today!

*Please call the Senators and Representatives

Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from , and I urge you to protect the refugee resettlement program from another drastic cut by the administration. The administration is considering setting the refugee admissions goal for next year at ZERO. By law, the administration must consult with Congress prior to setting the refugee admissions goal, which means that as a member of the Judiciary Committee, you are uniquely poised to ensure that the administration fulfills its obligation to consult with Congress ahead of deciding how many refugees to welcome in FY20. Please do everything in your power to see that the administration commits to resettling at least 95,000 refugees in 2020. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our nation by supporting refugee resettlement."

Tweet at Members of Congress Share Your Message on Social Media!

Here are sample posts: <@memberofcongress>: America must remain a country of welcome. Please do your part to see that the administration commits to resettling 95,000 refugees in FY 2020. #RefugeesWelcome <@memberofcongress>: Refugee resettlement is a core American legacy that allows people to rebuild their lives. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our nation by supporting refugee resettlement. #RefugeesWelcome <@memberofcongress>: Thousands of refugee families are being torn apart because America has closed its doors to them. Please show your support for refugee resettlement. #RefugeesWelcome

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