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Arlington Democrats Adopt Positions on Ballot Measures

Arlington, VA – September 9, 2018 — The Arlington County Democratic Committee (Arlington Democrats) has adopted positions on the bond and constitutional measures on the November 2018 ballot. Arlington Democrats voted to support a “yes” vote on all of the following ballot measures:

Arlington County Bond Referenda:

  1. Yes on Metro and Transportation, because Arlington Democrats support the County’s efforts to enhance multi-modal transit as part of its ten-year Capital Investment Plan.

  2. Yes on Local Parks and Recreation, because Arlington Democrats support the County’s efforts to improve our parks and recreation spaces.

  3. Yes on Community Infrastructure, because Arlington Democrats support the enhancement of critical public safety infrastructure, such as Fire Station 8, as well as development of community infrastructure within the County’s Capital Improvement Plan, such as Nauck Town Square.

  4. Yes on Arlington Public Schools, because Arlington Democrats support our schools and recognize our County’s critical need to increase school capacity.

Proposed Constitutional Amendments:

  1. Yes on creating a property tax exemption for flood abatement measures, because Arlington Democrats recognize the growing threat of extreme weather caused by climate change. This measure will give local governments the discretion to use a useful public policy tool for encouraging property owners to make their property more resilient to flooding where appropriate.

  2. Yes on removing a property restriction on the tax exemption for surviving spouses of disabled veterans, because Arlington Democrats support our veterans and their families, regardless of where they choose to live in the Commonwealth.

Jill Caiazzo, Chair of the Arlington Democrats, said, “Arlington Democrats strongly support these common-sense measures that will move Arlington and Virginia forward in a fiscally responsible manner. Infrastructure improvement, world-class public education, science-based policy, and support for our veterans and military families are Democratic policy priorities.”

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