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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 9, 2022 Press Contact: Paul Ruiz, communications@arldemsold.local

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – Hundreds of Arlington County Democratic Committee (Arlington Democrats) volunteers worked tirelessly to succeed in three Arlington races on Election Day. In Virginia's 8th Congressional District, incumbent Congressman Don Beyer (D) won a fifth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, defeating his Republican challenger by a wide margin.

In Arlington County, incumbent Matt de Ferranti won a second term on the Arlington County Board. “I’m honored, humbled, and deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve,” said de Ferranti. “I love working for Arlington residents and will work my heart out over the next four years to be as good as they are—smart, thoughtful, compassionate, and forward-looking.”

In his first term on the County Board, de Ferranti helped preserve over 1,300 units at the Barcroft Apartments and began a Hunger and Food Insecurity Working Group. He also led an effort as Arlington County Board Chair to deliver lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines to Arlingtonians, ensuring that our schools, economy, and community could return to their operating capacities.

“Matt has been a proven leader over the past four years. Arlington Democrats look forward to supporting him while he advances his goals of building an economy that works for all, ending hunger in Arlington, promoting sustainability to combat climate change, and tackling affordable housing,” said Arlington Democrats Chair Steve Baker.

Arlington Democrats also celebrated Bethany Sutton, who won a four-year term on the Arlington School Board. “Thank you, Arlington voters, for upholding our campaign’s values of high-quality education, equitable outcomes for students, inclusiveness, support for teachers and staff, and strong governance,” said Sutton. “I’m excited to hit the ground running and partner with parents and staff to support kids in Arlington.”

Sutton previously served in the President's office at the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) for over 17 years and is a certified leadership coach and consultant. She serves as Chair of the APS Advisory Council on Teaching and Learning. As a parent on the Randolph Elementary School’s Parent-Teacher Association, Sutton spearheaded the creation of Randolph Food Pantry to meet food insecurity needs in the Randolph Elementary School community.

Sutton will replace Arlington School Board member Dr. Barbara Kanninen, who currently serves as Chair. Her term expires on December 31. Earlier this year, Dr. Kanninen announced she would not seek reelection. “We are grateful for Dr. Kanninen’s service to our schools and the community,” said Baker. “She led APS through a period of uncertainty and growth.”

Preliminary data shows over 82,042 eligible Arlington voters (56%) turned out in this election, with 2,500 provisional ballots and post-election mail ballots to be counted.

“We extend our thanks to everyone who came out to vote, volunteer, poll work, and support this important election victory,” said Baker. “Hundreds of Election Day poll greeters responded to our call for volunteers, handing out sample ballots at the polls and Metro stations, and knocking on doors.”

Arlington voters also overwhelmingly approved bond referenda to fund critical infrastructure improvements in transportation, stormwater, and water treatment, and special projects in parks and public schools. In August, Arlington Democrats voted to endorse all six of Arlington’s bond issues.

Arlington Democrats Celebrate Abigail Spanberger’s Win in VA-7, National Results

In Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, incumbent Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger beat the Republican challenger in a deeply contested seat. This year, the Arlington Democrats’ Beyond Arlington and Blue Families programs dispatched hundreds of volunteers to make calls and knock on doors for Congresswoman Spanberger every weekend since July.

“Arlington Democrats are inspired by Abigail’s defense of abortion rights, voting rights, and promotion of gun safety,” said Beyond Arlington Deputy Chair Kip Malinosky. “Beyond Arlington and Blue Families volunteers made a huge difference in this critical race. Congratulations, Congresswoman Spanberger.”

Arlington Democrats also celebrated national election returns that beat electoral precedent and exceeded expectations. Historically, the President’s party has lost dozens of House seats and a few Senate seats with few exceptions since World War II. While votes across the country are still being counted, Arlington Democrats remain hopeful for continued Democratic victories and peaceful transitions of power. “Several races remain too close to call,” said Baker. “But two things are certain–this is not a red wave, and Arlington Democrats will continue working to elect Democrats everywhere.”


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