Commemorative Swag Packs Also for Sale to Help Supporters Celebrate in Style
ARLINGTON, Va., Monday, Jan. 11, 2021—The Arlington County Democratic Committee, whose members joined with the decisive majority of the country to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice President, will celebrate the Inauguration Day Jan. 20 with two free, socially distanced events.
In addition, Arlington Democrats are offering commemorative swag packs to make the celebration even more festive.
“With extremists threatening our democracy, we are more determined than ever to celebrate the peaceful transfer of power to President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris, who fairly won their election based on the hard work of the Arlington Democrats and thousands of other activists across the Commonwealth and the country,” Arlington Democrats Chair Jill Caiazzo said.
Swearing-In Watch Party
** This event has been changed to a virtual event. See the news release about the virtual event. **
Arlington Democrats will convene at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 20 at three public WiFi locations in Arlington to view or listen to the swearing-in ceremony together. Attendees are welcome by car or by foot and will tune-in via their phones or car radios to witness the historic proceedings together. The event locations are:
Barcroft Community Center (4200 S Four Mile Run Dr.)
Central Library (1015 North Quincy St.)
Langston-Brown Community Center (2121 N Culpeper St).
Participants are encouraged to wear Biden/Harris or Democratic apparel, and to decorate their cars and bring horns, bells or other noise makers to signal to the community their support of the Biden/Harris administration.
More details, including public health restrictions, are available at arldemsold.local/inauguration.
Inaugural Ball Watch Party
Join Arlington Democrats and Arlington Young Democrats to participate virtually in the Biden/Harris Inauguration Committee’s evening festivities, including the traditional inaugural ball—gowns and tuxedos optional. The committee’s Zoom watch party will begin at the start of the official nighttime inaugural activities at 7 p.m., and will feature breakout rooms with fun for the entire family. Advance registration for the Arlington Democrats’ virtual inaugural ball watch party is required. Additional details will follow.
Commemorative Swag Pack
Whether you join the Arlington Democrats’ inauguration festivities or witness history at home, Arlington Democrats is offering flair for the event with a limited number of commemorative swag packs. Each pack includes a Biden/Harris bumper sticker; a Biden/Harris inauguration mini flag with car mount; four Biden/Harris inauguration buttons; and sweet treats to relish during the events. Swag packs are available for $50 while supplies last, and will be delivered to Arlington homes by 10 a.m. on Jan. 20. Proceeds from your purchase will help Arlington Democrats gear up for the 2021 gubernatorial election. Swag packs can be ordered now at http://arldemsold.local/inauguration-swag/.
Commemoration Marks Months of Work during Hard-Fought Campaign
Arlington Democrats have plenty to celebrate.
Legions of Arlington Democrats and Arlington Young Democrats worked exhaustively during a campaign re-imagined to comply with public safety measures required by the COVID-19 pandemic. Democratic votes in Arlington and across the Commonwealth easily secured Virginia’s 13 electoral votes, which contributed to the 306 total votes amassed by Biden and Harris. More than 80% of Arlingtonians voted Democratic in the presidential race, contributing to a net margin of over 80,000 votes. Arlington Democrats also were instrumental in the decisive victories of U.S. Sen. Mark Warner, Rep. Don Beyer, Arlington Board member Libby Garvey, and two candidates endorsed in the nonpartisan School Board races, Cristina Diaz-Torres and David Priddy.
Hundreds of Arlington volunteers called, texted, and wrote to voters across Virginia and the country. The Beyond Arlington, Blue Families and Arlington Young Democrats campaign programs actively worked on behalf of the Biden-Harris ticket and Democratic congressional candidates across more than half-dozen states beyond the Commonwealth, including the swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, which were pivotal to Biden’s victory.
“Even in the face of a pandemic that is ravaging our country, Arlington Democrats effectively continued our efforts to support Democratic candidates across the commonwealth and the country,” Caiazzo said. “Arlingtonians reaffirmed that they have a clear vision of where Virginia and the country should be headed—to a more equitable, sustainable, and just nation. We’re proud to have contributed to critical victories in Virginia and other battleground states in 2020, and we’ll continue our efforts in Virginia’s critical statewide elections in 2021.”