Whereas the District of Columbia has no substantive voting rights in either chamber of Congress;
Whereas the District of Columbia has a larger population than the State of Wyoming and the State of Vermont, each of which currently has two Senators and one Representative in Congress;
Whereas those opposing statehood for the District of Columbia have not advanced a substantive argument in support of their position;
Whereas one leading Republican has conceded that the GOP opposes D.C. statehood only because the District is predominately Democratic and, were it a state, would likely elect two Democratic Senators and one Democratic Representative;
Whereas residents of the District of Columbia paid more in federal taxes than the residents of 21 states in 2018;
Whereas a rallying cry among American patriots in the years leading up to the American Revolution, and a fundamental ideal of the country to this day, is “No taxation without representation;”
Whereas pending in the House of Representatives is H.R. 51, which provides for the admission of a new state, Washington, District of Columbia, into the Union;
Whereas denying Congressional representation to the citizens of the District of Columbia denies them, for no valid reason, the voting power to which most other Americans are entitled;
Whereas denying Congressional representation to the citizens of the District of Columbia impacts which political party holds the majority in both chambers of Congress, thereby potentially denying Democratic voters throughout the country fair representation of their views in Congress; therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Arlington County Democratic Committee hereby supports the granting of statehood to the District of Columbia.
Passed and Approved this Resolution on the 4th day of September, 2019.